The Yellowbox Shed is the source of a self-funded hobby for John, who needed to retire from the workforce due to ill health – read up on Polycystic Kidney Disease.
The name, Yellowbox Shed, comes from the road we live on, Yellowbox Road, and the fact that there’s a shed on it. 🙂 Yellowbox is also a type of Australian gum tree.
The shed enables John to keep his brain and body as active as possible, while giving him the opportunity to rest when he needs it.
John’s background in mechanical drafting, database programming, plus his general love of using both technology and his hands, has as a whole enabled him to create some amazing items for himself, the woodworking community and anyone else that asks!
Income from the Yellowbox Shed enables John to make sure he has the right tools for the right jobs, supplementing those inherited from his father and lovingly bought for him by his sugar-mama/wife, Julia, to make it as easy as possible to continue his hobby.